Where can I buy the product in addition to the website?

Currently ICELESS is also available on various Amazon marketplaces.


On the windscreen there are some streaks that I can’t remove.

The streaks are generally caused by a faulty application. Send an e-mail to info@iceless.ch : we will send you a product to remove them free of charge. However, this procedure will also partially remove ICELESS.


Where can I buy ICELESS-compatible windshield washer fluids? When I use the windshield washer fluid, there is a white coating.

The white coating is caused by concentrated windshield washer fluids that contain a significant amount of ethylene glycol. Below is a list of less invasive fluids that are compatible with ICELESS.

Windshield washer fluid Winter TopLine

Windshield washer fluid Winter Oeco Polyston

I applied your product as explained in the instructions; however ice is still forming on the vehicle windows.

As indicated in the instructions, ICELESS can generate multiple scenarios depending on weather conditions and the location of the vehicle at night. The minimum goal of our product is to at least significantly simplify the problem of ice on the vehicle (although in some cases a minimal use of the scraper may still occur). In case you do not see any benefits, please write an e-mail to info@iceless.ch.


Your product is effective up to which temperature?

ICELESS has been shown to provide significant benefits up to temperatures around -20 degrees.


What can you tell us about your product on the ecological/environmental side?

Unlike other de-icing sprays, ICELESS requires only one application per year and is therefore much less invasive already at the base. The amount of chemicals released into the environment is very small and in no way represents a danger to it as well as to people and animals.